The sun is calling
Sign up for Spaceweather Alerts and turn your phone into a professional
Spaceweather Alert center.
You'll receive INSTANT NOTIFICATIONS via SMS text messages as well as an
email message of strong solar flares, CMEs bearing down on Earth,
geomagnetic storms and more.
This service is brought to you by Spaceweather.com, the internet's #1 source
for plain language information about space weather and cosmic radiation.
We've been doing this for more than 15 years, delivering more than 1 million
alerts to satisfied sky watchers in over 25 countries.
Spaceweather Alerts are great for
Nature photographers who wish to capture the Northern Lights
Ham radio operators and emergency service providers who want the
latest information on radio propagation conditions -
Pilots and air traffic controllers who need a situational awareness of
aviation radiation -
Anyone with an interest in space weather effects on health

Space Weather Alerts work with SMS texting and are available anywhere in the world. We send an email message as well with additional information for each alert.
Alerts include:
Coronal Mass Ejections (CME)
Geomagnetic Storms Predicted (class G1-G4)
Planetary K-index (K5-K9, K4 for Pro Plan)
Solar Flare alerts (X-Ray Flux levels and Scales)
Solar wind speed alerts (500, 600, 700 and over 800 km/s)
B Sub Z South-pointing episodes. Cracks in Earth's magnetic field. For Pro Plan subscribers.
Custom alerts for Pro Plan subscribers.
Control Your Alerts!
With our customer Control Panel. You can select what alerts to receive. What levels of alerts where there are many. Whether to receive Email or SMS and more. Once you have signed up, check out our Control Panel at:


Our BASIC ALERT package includes:
M- and X-class solar flares
CME impacts
Solar wind speed alerts
48-hour geomagnetic storm predictions
Ongoing geomagnetic storms
The ability to request personalized alert modifications

Our PRO ALERT package includes all alerts in the BASIC plan PLUS extra alerts proprietary to spaceweather.com:
Cracks opening in Earth's magnetic field
South-pointing B sub Z episodes
Custom alerts directly from Dr. Tony Phillips, webmaster of spaceweather.com