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Contact and Help
Spaceweather Alerts
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Additional Information
How do I format my phone number to receive Spaceweather alerts messages?Our service originates text messages from a number based in the United States. If you are not using a US or Canadian phone number, then you need to enter your number as you would for international texts. This varies from country to country and often from regions within the same country. How you enter your phone number depends on how your country implements international dialing to mobile numbers from outside your country. Here are some examples: - Chile: 56-99-555-1234 - Ghana: 233-20-555-0000 - United States and Canada: 1-555-888-0000 You can use this free website to determine how to enter your mobile phone number. - PLEASE NOTE: We will take care of adding any codes such as "00" or "+1" in front of numbers.
Will I be charged for incoming SMS text messages if they come from a foreign number?No, you will not be charged. Spaceweather Alerts will incur all costs for sending text messages to your phone number regardless of what country you are in. The number that we use should appear on your phone as: +1 (760) 582-7216. This number is for outgoing calls only. It does not receive texts if you send them and voice calls are not answered.

How do I change my phone number in the Customer Portal?Follow these instructions to change your phone number in the Customer Portal: 1. Go to the Customer Portal and login with your email and password you provided when you purchased your subscription. You may already be logged in if you go to the portal just after purchasing your initial subscription

. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. Once you are on the Customer Portal page click on "My Profile." _________________________________________________________________________ 3. Then, click on "Edit"." _________________________________________________________________________ 4. Next, select "Verify/Update" your phone number. _________________________________________________________________________ 5. Finally, click on "Save Address Changes." _________________________________________________________________________ 6. You should receive a verification text within a few minutes to the phone number you just updated. If you do not please write tosupport@spaceweatheralerts.comand we will help you to resolve the problem.
Can I update my name, email address, username or other information?"Yes, absolutely. Log in to our Customer Portal at any time to update your account information. Once you have logged in, click on the the three bars, upper right of the page, and select "Account Info" to make changes. Once done click the Update bottom of the page to save your changes. $efer to the previous question, "How do I change my phone number in the Customer Portal?" for more detailed information.
Can I customize what alerts I receive?Yes! We have a Control Panel that allows you to specify if you wish to specify exactly which alerts to receive, including levels of alerts. For instance, if you do not wish to receive alerts for a K-Index of 4 or 5 you can turn these off but leave on K-Index alerts of 6, 7, 8 and 9. Once you have registered for a subscription plan you can access your alert settings by going to: You will need to log in using your userid and password that you specify or specified when subscribing for an alert plan. Once you are logged in here is a sample of what the control panel looks like. This is for a Pro Plan subscriber account:
How do I cancel my account?You can cancel via email to our support address or you can cancel by logging in to your account. Here is how to do either method: Email and let us know your account email address, name and when you would like us to cancel and we will take care of this for you. If you request a cancellation on the day of or just before your next charge and we don't cancel in time we'll issue a refund of that charge as well. Log in to the Customer Portal at Click on the "Subscriptions" menu item, then click the "+" symbol next to the subscription item you wish to cancel. An option to cancel will be visible, press this to cancel your subscription.
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